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5 Ways to Repair Damaged Hair Without Going to a Hairstylist

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Do the words “ dry hair ”, “ split ends ”, “ brittle hair ” or “ frizz ” mean something to you? Then you are in the right place. All these words mean that the hair is damaged and needs your attention.

Discover in this article the different types, causes and ways to repair your damaged hair .

What is damaged hair?

Damaged hair generally refers to damage to the outer layer of the hair, the cuticle. The cuticle opens and makes the hair shaft more susceptible to damage.

Damaged hair may look and feel like this

  • Frizzy
  • Dry
  • Tangled
  • Brittle
  • Uncontrollable
  • Rough
  • Lack of shine

What are the types of damage caused to hair?

1. Dry and dull hair

Damaged hair is deprived of the natural oils in the outer layer of your hair. They then lose their shine and become dry . Shampoos with harsh chemicals can strip the natural oils from your scalp and hair. Wash your hair less often and use shampoos suited to your hair type.

Discover tips for treating dry hair here.

2. Tangled Hair

Damaged hair tends to get tangled . Raised cuticles create friction between the hair strands and cause them to become knotted . Lack of moisture in the hair can make this situation worse. Brush your hair with a wide-toothed comb starting at the bottom and working your way up. Detangling sprays, oils, conditioners and masks come to your rescue.

Discover: How to detangle hair and avoid knots

3. Frizz

When the cuticle doesn't lie flat, it can cause frizz . Frizz can appear on the surface, crown, top of the hair, or ends . Humidity and damaged hair can cause hair to frizz. Serums help tame frizz.

Discover: How to Get Rid of Frizz and Frothy Hair

4. Fragile and Brittle Hair

Split ends occur when a strand of hair separates in two. This can result in hair that is weak and prone to breakage. Hair dusting, serums and conditioners can repair split ends to a great extent.

Discover: How to Fix Brittle Hair

What causes hair damage?

1. Heat styling

Heat used for styling, such as straightening , curling , or drying , can open the cuticle and make hair porous. High temperatures are a sure cause of hair damage.

If you have to style your hair for an important event, what you can do is dry your hair at a distance of about 15 cm and use a good heat protectant serum. Also be sure to partially dry your hair with a soft cotton T-shirt before you begin heat styling.

2. Discoloration

Bleaching is a process that makes hair one or two shades lighter than its natural color. The technique consists of dissolving the melanin pigment which gives hair its color. Bleaching can cause hair to become dry , brittle, and coarse . It can also remove elasticity from hair.

To minimize further damage from bleaching , use sun protection (hats and caps) and moisturizing ingredients for your hair. Also protect your hair from chlorinated swimming pool water. It can cause your hair to turn green and dehydrate it further.

3. Chemical dyes

Dying your hair to be fashionable has a price. This price is the damage caused to the hair! This is because the pigments in dyes can suck moisture out of your hair and make it feel rough to the touch. Dry hair is prone to split ends and breakage .

Pro Tip:

Choose hair dyes that are within the three shades closest to your natural color. Unnatural colors require frequent touch-ups, which means your hair is exposed to more and more dye.

The easiest way to minimize hair damage from dyeing is to have it done less often.

Hair care experts at La Boutique Coiffure suggest using shampoos designed for dyed hair and washing hair less often to avoid frequent touch-ups.

A word of warning:

Never do too many treatments like perming, straightening or curling between your dye sessions. Leave an interval of a few weeks between the different treatments.

Other causes of hair damage include:

  • Brutal hair care
  • Massaging hair too hard while shampooing
  • Rubbing hair aggressively with a towel
  • Hot showers
  • Lack of humidity
  • Exposure to the sun
  • The wind blowing on the hair
  • Sleeping with your hair down

How to treat damaged hair?

1. Hair care program

Adopt a gentle hair care routine . It takes a certain level of research before purchasing your shampoo, conditioner, oil, and serums. Washing and conditioning hair are the basic elements of any hair care regimen.

Be sure to buy products that are free of sulfates , parabens, alcohols, artificial colors and fragrances. Wash your hair regularly to get rid of dirt, oil and dead cells. You can use deep conditioning treatments available in the market to repair damaged hair. They contain more powerful ingredients and have a longer exposure time.

2. Apply a hair serum

We can never emphasize enough the importance of serums . They protect hair from the heat of styling appliances, control frizz and add shine to your hair. As a general rule, apply the serum to your hair and the ends. Applying it to the scalp can make hair greasy .

3. Cut your hair

Get your hair cut once every 6 to 8 weeks to eliminate or prevent split ends. Split ends, if left untreated, can cause hair to become brittle, dry and damaged.

You can also use a brush that cuts split ends if your hair is not too damaged.

brush that cuts split ends

4. Homemade hair masks

Inexpensive homemade masks can repair damaged hair and make it healthy.

A. Lawyer

Use a ripe avocado and an egg to make a hair mask and leave it on for 20 minutes. Avocado is rich in vitamins, minerals and fatty acids - everything you need for healthy hair.

B. Banana

Blend a ripe banana with curd or mix it with olive oil. Apply this mixture to your hair and scalp. Wash them with a mild shampoo. Bananas contain carbohydrates, potassium, vitamins and natural oils necessary for hydrating hair.

C. Eggs

Use egg white and half a lemon to make a smooth mixture. Apply it to your hair and cover it with a shower cap for 30 minutes. Rinse with a mild shampoo. Eggs are rich in protein and vitamins A, D and E. They act as conditioners and restore lost shine to hair. Lemon is antifungal and helps remove product residue from your hair.

5. Hair oils

Coconut oil is one of the best natural products for your hair . It can penetrate the cuticle of your hair to repair hair damage.

Olive oil is considered an excellent moisturizing agent and can help replenish lost moisture from your hair.

Almond oil helps rehydrate dry strands and reduce frizz.

Argan oil is enriched with vitamin E and A. It hydrates the hair and prevents breakage.

Tips to Control Your Damaged Hair

  • Resist the urge to rub shampoo into strands of hair. Simply massage it into your scalp and let it flow through your hair. Using more product to generate more foam results in drying out.
  • Wrap your hair in a soft cotton t-shirt that will absorb water. Air dry your hair later.
  • Do not brush your hair when it is wet because it is delicate when damp.
  • Don't sleep in tight hairstyles like ponytails and buns.
  • Limit your heat styling, dyeing and bleaching sessions.
  • If your hair is tangled, brush it with a wide-toothed comb after applying conditioner to your hair in the shower.

Conclusion on damaged hair

Damaged hair can be attributed to one or more factors such as heat, bleaching, dyeing, hot showers, poor hair care habits, etc. The easiest ways to repair damaged hair are gentle hair care, serums, oils and homemade masks. We hope they will help you restore your hair's lost shine.

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