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What Causes Frizz?

Are you tired of trying to tame your frizz ? You are not the only one. Many women deal with frizzy hair on a daily basis.

But before you arm yourself to fight your hair's archenemy: frizz , you first need to know what can be causing it.

We take you through five potential causes of your frizzy hair , as well as helpful hair care tips for getting smooth, defined hair once and for all.

Frizz is caused by a lack of moisture in the hair . They then seek to hydrate themselves in the ambient air, which explains why humidity often aggravates the situation.

Besides climate and lack of hair moisture, there are a number of factors that can make your hair more vulnerable to frizz .

1. Hot water on hair

Very hot water may be relaxing while showering, but it's not doing your hair (or your skin, for that matter) any favors. Very hot water can strip your hair of the natural oils that hydrate it and make it shiny.

Since you already know that a lack of moisture in your hair can cause frizz , it's wise to avoid anything that can strip away the precious oils your hair desperately needs.

What you should do : Lower the water temperature while shampooing . Your hair will thank you later.

2. Use heated styling tools

Heating your hair daily can strip it of its natural moisture and cause frizz . Not to mention that these styling tools can damage the hair.

What you should do : Whether it's a hair dryer , curling iron or flat iron , it's in your best interest to ban these tools from your hairstyling arsenal or limit their use. 'use. If heat is imperative, be sure to apply a heat-protecting hair product first and use them at their lowest temperature.

3. Wash your hair every day

It's no secret that harsh foaming shampoos can disrupt your hair's natural balance, resulting in dry, dull, frizzy hair. Also remember that not all shampoos are equal. It is very possible that the formula you have chosen will dry out your hair further.

What you should do: Instead of washing your hair every day, do it two to three times a week, depending on your hair type. Also incorporate a moisturizing shampoo or conditioner to help combat frizzy hair. The extra moisture can help seal the cuticle of each hair strand so it's less likely to frizz.

4. Split ends

Do you have brittle and split ends? Hair split ends are a cause of frizz . Plus, the longer split ends stay in place, the higher the risk of damaged hair creeping up your strands and causing further damage.

What you should do : Use a split end cutting machine , more commonly known as a split end cutter , this is a hair tool that eliminates split ends while maintaining length.

machine that cuts forks

  • Also get your hair cut regularly , every six to eight weeks, to keep your hair in tip-top shape.
  • Also coat your ends with hair oil or serum.

5. Dry her with a rough towel

Wrapping your hair in a rough bath towel can quickly strip moisture from your hair and cause frizz . If your hair is curly, this friction can also cause clumps and distorted curls.

What you should do: Use a microfiber towel to dry your hair. This can help control frizz and reduce hair damage caused by improper drying.
microfiber towel

While adopting these methods can help control frizz, no one is safe from bad hair days. On days with high humidity, wrap your hair in a twist or braid to help reduce frizz from wind and weather before heading out. Light styling on damp hair can also help your hair create a seal that will prevent humidity from causing frizz.

6. Use an anti-frizz hair mask

Hair masks for frizzy hair aim to increase moisture to eliminate frizz. Whether it's dry, damaged waves or unruly curls.

By treating yourself to a hair mask for frizz, you will transform your hair into silky smoothness. Masks for dry hair should be applied 30 minutes before washing hair so that the conditioning formula acts on the hair longer.

Check out these best homemade anti-frizz mask recipes.