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How to Detangle Hair and Avoid Knots?

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Tangled hair is one of the most frustrating and time-consuming parts of the hair routine. But is there a way to remove tangles from hair - quickly and easily?

If you sometimes wake up with tangled hair or wonder why your hair tangles so easily, you're in luck!

In this article, we will look at why your hair is prone to tangling and how to remedy it effectively.

What causes tangled hair?

causes tangled hair

Your hair becomes tangled when strands wrap around each other, making it easier for other strands to become entwined with an existing knot. This causes larger, more tangled knots that are difficult to remove.

Hair tangles more when the cuticle (the outer layer of the hair) is damaged or open. Healthy cuticles should be closed, smooth and flat. If your hair is damaged or has split ends , the cuticles cling to each other, causing – yes – more tangles and knots. Additionally, if your hair is not straight, the strands you shed daily will not slide down easily but will wrap around other strands, creating a tangled mess.

Although tangled hair can affect most hair types, it's usually long hair and curly hair that get tangled easily. Here are some of the main factors contributing to tangled hair:

  • Damaged and dry hair ;
  • Frizzy hair;
  • Long, fine hair (longer than shoulder length);
  • Hair damaged by sun or heat;
  • frizzy or curly hair
  • The wind ;
  • Poor sleep routine;
  • Chemical treatments.

What is the best way to detangle your hair?

Wondering how to remove tangles from your beautiful locks without causing hair breakage? Removing tangles is definitely one of the most underrated hair routines, but the right approach is sure to save you from too much pain and hair loss . Here are the techniques to use, depending on whether you're detangling tangled hair when it's wet or dry .

How to detangle wet hair?

detangle wet hair

Yes, you are right that wet hair is fragile and prone to breakage. However, if you use conditioner and take the time to gently detangle your strands, detangling your hair when it's wet will always be the best option for the health of your hair .

To detangle curly or afro hair , start by wetting it, coating it generously with conditioner. For straight hair, you can start with gently towel-dried or damp hair, freshly washed and conditioned. Using a wide-toothed comb or detangling brush , brush your hair starting at the ends and working your way up.

When you encounter resistance, do not push the comb down! Instead, move your comb or brush outward, away from your head, freeing the tangled area. If you need to remove stubborn tangles , use a detangling spray suited to your hair type. Note that you need to apply detangling sprays to small sections of hair for them to be effective.

Detangle hair when dry

detangle dry hair

Even if you do a good job of detangling your knotty hair in the shower, you're not going to wash your hair every day to keep it tangle-free, are you?

Some women with curly hair choose not to brush their hair every day so as not to distort their curls.

To detangle dry hair , isolate the tangle and apply a detangling spray, oil, or leave-in conditioner to the affected area.

Look for hair products with ingredients that smooth strands and prevent hair from tangling: argan oil, shea butter, coconut oil, olive oil, to name a few.

Work the product into the hair knot and gently separate it with your fingers.

Then brush your hair using a damp brush or wide-toothed comb to get the tangles out. Start at the ends of the hair and work your way up slowly, keeping your hair taut as you go.

How to prevent knots?

avoid knot

Now that you have a better understanding of what causes tangled hair , you understand that you don't have to go through the unpleasant process of detangling and can avoid knotted hair in the first place. Follow these recommendations and keep tangled hair at bay.

#1: Wash your hair thoroughly

If you find that your hair is tangling after washing, you may want to rethink your washing methods. Brush your hair gently before washing to prevent tangles from forming while shampooing.

While washing, try not to crease your hair as you scrub it; this can add tangles and make them harder to brush out.

Instead, massage the shampoo into the back, sides, and top of your head with your fingertips. Focus on your scalp and prefer massaging movements to rubbing movements. Then, simply rinse the shampoo through your hair. Finally, at the end of your shower, rinse your hair with cold water to seal the cuticles.

No. 2: Do not use a bath towel

We know it's very tempting to grab a towel and scrub your hair as soon as you get out of the shower, but that's far from the right way to dry your hair . In fact, this is one of the easiest ways for your hair to get tangled and knotted, as harsh towel drying will damage your cuticles when your hair is most vulnerable.

Instead of rubbing, gently squeeze your hair. Then, shake your hair well to let air in. You can also wrap your hair in a cotton t-shirt or microfiber towel to absorb excess water without breaking the hair.

#3: Always condition strands

When your hair is so tangled that you can't even comb it with a brush, it might be time to take the conditioner step. No matter how tired or rushed you are, NEVER forget to condition your hair . Use a conditioner specifically designed for your hair type and be generous. If your hair is dry, it is more likely to get tangled and knotted.

Start brushing your hair while you're still in the shower and have your conditioner on. Pay special attention to the ends and remove any tangles you might feel with your fingers. If your hair is particularly thick or heavily curly, consider using a leave-in conditioner. You can also try deep conditioning your hair at a salon. Here is the change that the latter can bring:

No. 4: Oil your hair

Hair oils and masks lubricate your hair cuticles and nourish them. They act as a sealant, locking in moisture and smoothing your strands. This softness will help prevent nasty tangles, as the slippery backings won't create knots and tangles.

Choose a hair oil or mask suited to your hair type and enjoy an at-home treatment at least once a week. If your hair is very dry and damaged , try the Olaplex treatment for extra care.

#5: Opt for silk pillowcases

If you sleep on a cotton pillowcase , it might be time to throw it away. Cotton can catch your hair when you turn, causing it to get tangled while you sleep. Welcome to tangled hair in the morning!

An easy solution is to embrace silk pillowcases which have gained popularity recently. The slippery, breathable fabric prevents friction and provides moisture - which means smoother hair that doesn't form tangles. So if you're tired of all the tangles you encounter in the morning, you may never regret investing in a silk pillowcase.

#6: Keep your hair up at night

Get used to sleeping with a protective hairstyle , especially if you have textured hair . By grabbing the hair in a pineapple shape, you prevent the strands from rubbing against each other and getting tangled when you toss your head at night. Better yet, add a silky scarf or hat on top. The smooth fabric will protect your hair and prevent tangling while you sleep.

Putting your hair up in a loose bun or braid for the night will also reduce frizz and hair damage. Two benefits for the price of one!

No. 7: Invest in a shower filter

A good thing would also be to take into account the quality of the water you wash with. When you follow a good hair care routine and have already tried everything, getting a shower filter can be that magic trick to solve the problem of tangled hair .

#8: Get your hair cut

To help eliminate knots and tangles, make sure to get your hair cut or trimmed every 8 to 10 weeks . This will help you get rid of split ends, as well as dry, damaged strands, leaving your hair happy and healthy. Trimming damaged hair aids the natural process of hair loss, helping loose strands escape without tangling.

Don't let tangled braids take away the shine from your beautiful locks. Whether you have short, medium, long, straight or curly hair, follow these tips, and you can enjoy beautiful straight hair every day. Without a single knot in sight!

Also discover the solutions against swollen hair .